

Volume 1 of the new format "Assemblage" by Amirisu is in stock now! Check out the 11 beautiful patterns! https://www.selected-yarns.com/shop/de/amirisu/assemblage
6 new colors Bio Balance and 4 new colors Big Bio Balance (the missing 2 following soon) now available!! Check them out!
Clearance Sale on Erika Knight Big Vintage GOTS! Grab the last kilos at a discounted price with 20% off. Available while supplies last.
New Colors Kremke Soul Wool Alpaka Bouclé! Check it out here, they are georgous!
Out now: Moorland Mohair - Pattern booklet, containing 3 one-skein-wonders:

BODMIN MOOR SOCKS - classic socks with a dutch heel
Design: Erika Knight
Sizes: 1 (2) 3 (4) 5 (6)

MARSDEN MOOR SOCKS - socks with Ajourpattern and special short row heel
Design: Soraya García
Sizes 1 (2)

DARTMOOR HAT - classic beanie
Design: Erika Knight

Available as print, e-book and single patterns
Discover Moorland Mohair, the extraordinary sock yarn made with 100% natural materials: Bluefaced Leicester and Mohair. No plastic, no superwash, just awesomnes. 
Entdecken Sie Moorland Mohair, die exquisite Sockenwolle aus 100% natürlichen Materialien: Bluefaced Leicester und Mohair. Kein Plastik, kein Superwash, einfach nur großartig.
now in stock: 3 new colors BC Lino!
brand new product in stock! "Cable Snakes" by Knools! The most smooth and excuisite cable needles ever, made of mahagony!