
Welcome to our B2B Online-Shop!

We are the passionate wholesaler with the largest selection of sustainable yarns. We represent brands from all over the world, three of which we are proud to call our own: BC Garn, Kremke Soul Wool and Erika Knight. We offer standard yarns like sock, baby or cotton yarns as well as organic, luxury or hand-dyed yarns. Our range comprises over 100 yarns in a total of over 3500 colors!

You as a business customer benefit by being able to combine your orders with several brands. Thus you save shipping costs, paper work and work time. 

As a business customer you may register and login and order online. As soon as your account has been validated, you see the wholesale prices and stock quantities.

Should you be a passionate knitter looking for a special yarn, please visit our brand websites bcgarn.com, kremkegarne.de, erikaknight.co.uk, manosyarns.de for yarn information and stocksts' lists.

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